Frequently Asked Questions

What is Energy Healing and how it works ?

Energy Healing is a form of Alternative Medicine, used to restore an optimal state of energy and balance in a person/body without any drug at all levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, beyond time and space.

It deals with energy field of targeted body and works to remove energy blockages or imbalances so that body restores its natural frequency and balance at all levels.

Energy healing can be done by both Hands-On and Hands-Off methods. Advanced and Experienced Healing Practitioner normally used a non-touch method by facilitating Distance healing session from anywhere in the world and beyond.

What are the benefits of Energy Healing and which type of energy healing is best suitable for me ?

Energy healing re-tunes the body to its natural vibration and balance by removing any energy blockages or imbalances hence body feels inner peace, harmony, energetic and healthy at all levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

There are many energy healing types or techniques available and each one has its own and unique benefits, So it’s up to Healing Practitioner(s) which one method they choose according to client’s requirements and specific needs.

Is there any specific feeling or sensation i will experience during the healing session ?

You may feel vibrant energy waves within and around you OR may feel tingling sensation or pleasant feeling of warmth/cold, happiness/joy/inner peace. You may see beautiful colors OR smell very sweet fragrance(s), OR you may feel/notice nothing at all, which is also fine.

Is there any difference between “Distance Healing Session” and “In-person Healing Session” ?

There is no difference, results are same. Sometimes better results experienced in ‘Distance Sessions’.

Will it cure my disease or specific health condition ?

Yes it can do so and very helpful, but just like other (Energy) Healing Practitioners, I also can’t make any promises or guarantees about your healing sessions. I can’t promise whether your results will come in the form you are thinking, desiring or expecting. Results may vary person to person.

How many healing sessions are enough for me ?

Each client has different needs, different health condition of different intensity so it depends and varies person to person. We recommended that if you are new to energy healing, you should take 1-3 sessions first for some understanding and satisfaction and then proceed further if required.

Can i order a healing session for someone else ?

Yes you can, even he or she doesn’t know that they are going to receive healing. Understand that these healing frequencies are always positive and beneficial at all levels no matter client is aware of it or not.

My question is not answered here, what should i do ?

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